Author: Keegan Kilback

Here’s A Quick Overview Of Basic Stock Trading Concepts

The art of trading is not confined to seasoned investors nowadays. The growing awareness of social media and the sense of financial literacy in young minds have persuaded more and more youngsters to join the bandwagon. It also comes down to the fact that the trading game has become easily manageable with mobile platforms and other digital interfaces. However, when it comes to the involvement of real money, one has to be well-versed in the nitty and gritty details of stock markets, trading techniques, and identifying the trends of price movements before trading online.

The basic concept remains constant in the online and offline process of trading stocks with slight variations. This article will give us a quick overview of the main idea behind stock trading activities.

What are the basic requirements to start trading?

The primary requirement is that positive instinct that every potential trader must have before putting in their hard-earned money so that if things go south sometimes, a trader must bear the strength to cope. Other than that, the physical requirements include the following:

  • A Demat account to store all the shares purchased.
  • A trading account that enables the buying and selling of these shares.
  • Valid identification documents such as Aadhar, PAN card, etc., to acquire an account in an authorized bank or other trading platforms.
  • Linking your bank account with the trading account is another essential step to maintain a seamless flow of transactions. There are trading accounts that serve as the Demat account as well.

Types of the stock market:

To start investing, traders can decide for themselves any of the following needs.

  1. Primary market:

When the enterprises decide to sell some of their shares to investors to raise capital funding or to expand their business, they launch Initial Public Offerings (IPO). The investor willing to trade applies for many shares, for which a specific amount gets blocked from the trader’s account. If the company finally allows the lot, the blocked amount gets deducted, and after at least a week, those bought shares are ready to be traded in the market.

  1. Secondary market:

This is the space for investors to buy and sell stocks. The prices and the number of shares are determined by the group of investors involved in the trading process. Such a market is also referred to as the stock exchange because the trade takes place only for financial securities such as stocks, bonds, ETPs, etc., and also allows investors to trade intraday.

There is another relevant concept of trading related to this market where the investors buy and sell shares on the same day due to increased fluctuations in prices and this is known as intraday trading.

There is another segment of the market known as derivatives market where F&O trading takes place, where the derivative products which derive their value from an underlying asset are bought and sold by the investors through a predetermined price. The price is agreed mutually for a fixed date and on that period one party expects the prices to go upward and the other side expects otherwise. Such derivative contracts are signed to hedge the market risks and the fixed date is termed as expiry date in stock market.

The mechanism of these markets and the potential risk factors must be analyzed and scrutinized before anyone intends to put the best foot forward in trading. The websites or any stock investing app can provide plenty of information, so that novice investors can minimize risks and make informed decisions.

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Are Accounting Softwares a Threat to Accountants? : Decoded

The world of accounting is changing at a rapid pace. Nowadays, many businesses prefer using standalone software over hiring an expensive accountant or bookkeeper. Accounting software has made the lives of business owners much easier. It allows them to track their company’s finances and manage expenses without hiring a third-party service. However, with so many options on the market, you may be wondering if these tools are also posing a threat to accountants? In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of accounting software for accountants and explain why it might not be such a bad thing after all.

How does accounting software work?

Accounting software is designed to help business owners track their financial performance, manage their expenses, and automate their bookkeeping. As an accountant, you may be used to manually tracking all of your client’s expenses in a spreadsheet. With accounting software, you can set up rules and have the software automatically track and categorize every expense. There are many different types of accounting software. Some of the most common are: – Aged Receivables – This type of software allows you to track your client’s outstanding invoices and keep track of your receivables. – Asset Management – Asset management software allows you to track the purchase and sale of different assets in a single place. – Budgeting/Forecasting – This type of software allows you to set up budgets and forecasts for your clients’ businesses. – Cash Flow – This type of software focuses on helping accountants forecast cash flow and manage cash flow. – Customer Relationship Management – Customer relationship management (CRM) software keeps track of your client’s important metrics, like purchase history and lead information. – General Ledger – This type of software allows you to track your clients’ bank accounts and profit/loss statements. – Human Resources – HR software is designed to help businesses manage their employee information.

Why is the demand for accounting software growing?

As we mentioned above, accounting software has made the lives of business owners much easier. It allows them to track their company’s finances and manage expenses without hiring a third-party service. With accounting software, you can set up rules to help automate your bookkeeping. This can help save your clients a lot of time and money. ​ Many accountants run their businesses based on client revenue. This means they are required to invoice their clients based on the services they provide. However, clients do not always pay their bills on time. With accounting software, you can set up an accounting system that automatically follows up on unpaid invoices. This can help you collect the money you are owed faster, which can help boost your business’s profits.

Pros of Accounting Software for Accountants

Accounting software is designed to help accountants and bookkeepers manage their clients’ finances. It allows them to track their company’s financial performance and automate their bookkeeping. Accountants can use accounting software to set up budgets and forecasts for their clients. This allows them to better manage their financial resources. Accounting software is capable of storing all of your client’s important information. This includes things like purchase history, lead information, and employee data. This allows accountants to better service their clients and provide more value. Finally, accounting software is capable of generating a wide range of reports. This makes it easy to track your financial performance and identify areas for improvement.

Cons of Accounting Software for Accountants

Although accounting software is designed to help accountants, there are also some challenges that come with using the software. If you decide to use accounting software, you have to be able to adapt to the software’s system. This means you may have to change the way you track financial performance and manage expenses. You may also have to spend more time learning how to use accounting software. This can take time away from the other things you have to do, such as providing client services. You may have to hire a programmer to help you set up the software correctly. If you are an entrepreneur, you may not have the extra funds to do this.

Final Words

As you can see, there are many advantages to using accounting software. Accounting software allows accountants to track their clients’ finances and manage expenses more efficiently. However, it is important to remember that accounting software is just a tool. It is up to you, as an accountant, to use the software correctly. That said, the tool alone is not sufficient to eliminate the job of an accountant. Businesses will keep requiring accountants to work on these accounting software for best results. So, if you are a small business owner, you should shift to the best accounting software from all those that are available to streamline your business accounts and make your life simpler. 

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Simple Guide To The Double Bottom Pattern

While we all enjoy making fun of unfulfilled forecasts by meteorologists, perhaps the trading community should not be so irritated. Day traders and weather pros use similar methods. Meteorologists, like day traders, are always looking for signs and patterns that indicate a change is imminent. Anybody can see outside and predict tomorrow’s weather. Predicting the weather is about knowing when it will change. This is similar to a trader looking at a stock chart. Similarities include the fact that signals and patterns we look for may not always be accurate. A stock chart showing a pennant pattern doesn’t necessarily mean that the share price will continue to rise with 100% certainty. A system that forms over warm water and has high winds won’t always become a hurricane. Although meteorologists can’t make precise predictions, they do offer a range of possible outcomes. Traders use technical signals such as the double bottom pattern to do the same thing.

What is the Double Bottom Pattern?

A momentum trading signal, the double bottom pattern, is used to predict when a trend will turn. Check out these figures chartistes for more. The stock will make two similar lows after a downslope to identify this pattern. These two price points do not have to be identical but the stock must bounce back from at least two similar areas before a double-bottom pattern can be identified. After a significant drawdown, a double bottom pattern is formed. This indicates that selling pressure has eased. Although the stock might not move in a meaningful way upwards, the bottoming formation should serve as a support level.

The Double Bottom Pattern: A Breakdown

If you are trying to identify a double bottom pattern, the previous decline should be at least 10%. However, it can be as high as 30%. We don’t want to remove any pattern formations that are only 2 to 3 percent. To trade off a double-bottom pattern, certain criteria must exist. These are just a few examples that will help you understand the point.

Example 1: PotBelly Corporation, PBPB

PotBelly Corporation, a small sandwich shop operator that has 400 locations and a market capitalization of less than $100M, is owned by PotBelly Corporation. It fell below $2 per share in March, when the pandemic gripped the sector. Although there were a few false rallies in spring, the stock topped out at the same price level in June. This formed a clear double bottom pattern. Although the initial upswing was slow, traders had to remain patient and the stock never fell below $2 before almost doubling in July. E

Example 2: Kemper Corporation (KMPR)

Here’s an example of a well-established firm. Kemper Corporation is an insurance company that offers property, casualty and health insurance services. This stock is not one that can be bought and sold by the masses. It has a market capital of over $5B and almost 10,000 employees. The stock fell to $55 after reaching $80 per share in February. However, it rebounded quickly from that plunge. The rally was short-lived as the shares fell below $60 again, but stopped at the $55 mark in May. The stock reached new highs of 2020 in the first week after traders spotted the double bottom and reacted quickly.

Example 3: Bluegreen Vacations Corporation, (BXG).

The coronavirus wreaked havoc on every industry, but the travel sector was the hardest hit. Bluegreen Vacations Corporation received a 60% haircut during the crisis. The stock reached its initial bottom in March, and the support level was tested again in May. After hovering around the $3 mark in May, the stock climbed back to $4 in June. It never retested the support level created by the double bottom. BXG has a long way to recover, but traders who are skilled would have made a 100% profit if they bought the stock when this support level was confirmed.

Tips For Trading A Double Bottom Pattern

A double bottom pattern, like any technical trading signal is not a guarantee of riches. Trading signals can be misleading. Don’t try to find them. These are some tips to trade the double bottom pattern. Patience is a virtue. As you can see, the double bottom pattern is best for swing traders and not day traders. It can take weeks, if not months, for a double bottom to form before the breakout occurs. These trades are not for the faint of heart. Keep your faith in your trade and keep it going until the chart becomes negative. Position sizes should not change – Sometimes traders get caught up in the gambling mindset and try to double their trades or push more capital into failed trades. Do not allow your emotions to cause you overtrade or alter the size of your position. You can take some time off the screen. The double bottom pattern is a slow reverse of a downtrend. This is good news for traders, but it doesn’t require your attention 24/7. You don’t have to be anxious about a trade that doesn’t pay off for several weeks. Double bottom patterns are a good trade. You’ll have plenty of breaks, which is great for your mind.

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